In this post, we will discuss some of the advantages of implementing Kleentek: Electrostatic Oil Cleaner ("EOC") ("TP Series") as part of your engineeering and maintenance regime.
Suitable and Applicable for (Industry):
Plastic Manufacturing
Power Generation - Utilities
Automobile (Stamping/Press Machine - Hydraulic System)
Paper Pulp/Milling and etc...

TP Series: Product Feature:
Improved Ergonomic Setup - Digital Display
Improved Digital Control
Remote Monitoring via PLC enabled
15kV potential cleaning chamber for a faster cleaning performance
Higher High-Voltage Transformer ('HVT') Capacity
Available in EOC-R25TP; EOC-R100TP; EOC-R150TP
Designed and Made in Japan, Tokyo - Certificate of Origin and Manufacture availale upon request
For more information, please contact one of your local/regional sales representative.