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Introduction to KLEENTEK: Electrostatic Oil Cleaner with Dehydration Unit ("EDH")

In this post, we will discuss more about the application of Kleentek: Electrostatic Oil Cleaner with Dehydration Unit ("EDH"), and what are some of the additional benefits the dehydration unit ("EDH") has over its primary oil cleaner ("EOC").

EDH-R25A Overview

We will also discuss what are some of its applications, and how is this Electrostatic Oil Cleaner with Dehydration ("EDH") is used for, its specific use case as well as some of its technical specification.

EDH-R25A is a combination of Electrostatic Oil Cleaner ("EOC") and a Dehydration Unit ("DH-1B"). The dehydration unit remove water contamination or the moisture by absorbing the water into the fibre with hydrogel structure ("B-45") element. The dehydration filter comprises of one B-45 element used specifically for removing water contamination from the oil by absorption.

While the Electrostatic Oil Cleaner ("EOC") remove particles contaminated in the oil by collecting them onto the dielectric media under the influence of the electric field, created by the high voltage transformer ("HVT") - within the cleaning tank which contain electrode and a dielectric media therein.

Exception of the condition of the oil when using EDH series:

  1. The level of water contamination should be < 0.1% for the dehydration unit and the electrostatic oil cleaner (EOC) to work in a continuous manner.

  2. In the case if the water contamination is greater than 0.1%, the contaminated oil should only be processed by the dehydration unit in a standalone manner until the water contamination < 0.05%.

Advantage of using EDH-R25A:

  • Allow a single-pass of hydraulic fluid through the Kleentek: Electrotatic Oil Cleaner with Dehydration Unit (EDH-R25A) - allowing the removal of oil oxidation product and insoluble contaminant from the oil system, and subsequently the removal of water contaminant from the system in a sequential manner

EDH-RxxA is designed and suitable for:

  • Application #1

  • Application #2

  • Application #3

The Kleentek: Electrostatic Oil Cleaner with Dehydration Unit (EDH-RxxA) operates under three ("3") different mode under the following conditions:

  • where the water contamination within the oil is < 0.1%

  • where the water contamination within the oil is > 0.1%

  • and lastly, water contamination within the oil is < 0.05%

Please kindly refer to the enclosed, attached file for more information on the correct setting of the valves under the different mode of operation:

Kleentek: EDH-RxxA is designed for the removal of varnish, oil oxidation products and insoluble solid contaminant found with a certain level of water contamination due to environmental factors:

Application: Hydraulic system used in high-moisture environment, or environment where high-level of water contamination is expected.

Applicable Standard: Japan Industrial Standard ("JIS") and Japan Electrical Manufacturer ("JEM")


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