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Introduction to KLEENTEK: Electrostatic Oil Cleaner (SP Series)

In this post, we will discuss some of the advantages of implementing Kleentek: Electrostatic Oil Cleaner (EOC) (SP Series) as part of your engineeering and maintenance regime.

Suitable and Applicable for (Industry):

  • Plastic Manufacturing

  • Power Generation - Utilities

  • Automobile (Stamping/Press Machine - Hydraulic System)

  • Aviation

  • Paper Pulp/Milling and etc...


  1. Eliminate regular oil change regime for engineering and maintenance team

  2. Reduce frequency of oil volume and oil change as part of your preventive maintenance program

  3. Increase Operational Productivity and Total Cost of Operation (TCO) machine uptime.

  4. Remove sludges, varnish and oil oxidation production from the internal surfaces of your machinery without the need for chemcial flushing, machine downtime and component level dismantle.

Operating Principle:

  1. Ability to eliminate any kind and size of contaminants including sub-micron contaminants

  2. Combined both the principle of electrophorsis and dielectrophorsis

  3. Patented designed collecters by Kleentek Corp., Japan materials that deform the electrical field and neutral contaminants are attracted to the strongest field region (Dielectrophoresis)

  4. Free-flowing of the fluid within the cleaning chamber. Ensuring no spark discharge due to the formation of electrostatic when compared to conventional filter mechanism.

  5. No pressure difference between the top and the bottom of the cleaning chamber.


  1. Analog Countdown Preset Timer

  2. Analog Voltage (kV) and Ampere Meter (A)

  3. Tested, proven and reliable design and implement

  4. Fuss-free design and implementation from Tokyo, Japan

  5. 13kV High Voltage Transformer (HVT) - standard cleaning rate

For more information, please contact one of your local/regional sales representative.


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