For customer installing new machine
Why is Electrostatic Oil Cleaner superior to conventional filter?
How small of a particles can an Electrostatic Oil Cleaner remove?
Does using an Electrostatic Oil Cleaner affect the oil additive level in the oil?
What's the lifespan of a collector?
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Questions about lubricant control
Why is Electrostatic Oil Cleaner superior to Traditional Filter?
Bubbling does not stop in spite of oil changes.
Does the oil viscosity changes after prolonged use?
No, the viscosity of the oil should not change.
The viscosity of the oil should not be checked using your finger. It must be measured against the specify parameters against the oil provided by the hydraulic/lubricant manufacturer.
It is possible to use hydraulic oil whose colour has changed?
How does water cause harm to oil?
KLEENTEK – Most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Some of the most important question and answers about KLEENTEK Corp., Japan.
How is KLEENTEK used in practice?